
The Wish


My wish for all of us, inside and out, now and forever.

The total:spec interview

Very excited to have been interviewed by the excellent UK music & culture site total:spec


Missing John Lennon

John Lennon taking the pulse
One of the most astonishing powers of art is that it connects people across time. And when I say ‘people’ I am talking about two people, one to another. The relationship between the receiver of a work and the issuer, if truly and deeply received, is an unbelievably intimate one. This is because that identification is one of the strongest bonds that can be made in human experience: that of a shared, deeply held value, or feeling.

This must be why the ‘truer’ or more ‘honest’ a work feels to us, the more we as receivers tend to connect to it. It’s like connecting to a love, or an extremely close friend. (In fact, isn’t a main criteria, or actually the main criteria on which we base our beliefs about our closest friendships based on the very same thing? Namely, the feeling or belief – or belief as a result of feeling – that this other person feels so closely about something to the way we do that as a result we ‘understand’ each other?)

And the relationship is so intimate because the subject matters that are generally dealt with in works of art, and our feelings related to them, are often the most personal that we as individuals, as a species, experience.


The Taken By Sound Interview

David Bronson Taken By Sound Interview Nov 30, 2012

Our very good friends over at the amazing blog Taken By Sound, which up till now have resigned themselves to album, song, and video reviews, have given me the great honor of being their very first interview!

Not surprisingly, they did a fantastic job with it.

Under The Radar premieres official video for ‘The Turns’

I’m beyond psyched that Under The Radar premiered the official video for my new single ‘The Turns’ today!

Take a look and let them know what you think 🙂

Indie London interview

photo by Willie Davis

Q. How does it feel to have a UK release date for your album, Story?
David Bronson: It feels fantastic. It’s like the other half of the picture in a way. I mean, at least half, and probably more, of the music that’s meant so much to my life has come from the UK. I think it’s one of the great stories…Read the full interview

I want to thank Rob Carnevale and indieLondon for a very thoughtful and extremely well executed interview that was great fun to participate in.

✭✭✭✭ – Pittsburgh Daily News!

4 stars for ‘Story’ in Pittsburgh Daily News In Tune Magazine – right in there w/ Beth Orton, The Wallflowers, and Streisand (!)

“Talk about committing to your art… It’s obvious that Bronson poured everything he had into the project and the results are tremendous… Can’t wait to hear the rest of this fascinating labor of love.”

Thank you kindly, Jeffrey Sisk!

Rock NYC’s thoughtful, nuanced review of Story

“..a sea of sound as surely as Pete Townsend did on Quadrophenia: there’s your comparison. It’s all the sound of change.”

I’m humbled and impressed by this thoughtful, thorough, and honest reading of Story. Thank you to Iman Lababedi at Rock NYC.


Story to be released in the UK

Hello friends!

I’m thrilled to announce that Story will officially be released in The United Kingdom and Europe on January 07, 2013!

Music to Her Majesty’s ears 🙂

“Story would be perfect for a train ride from a failed relationship into a new life.”


An amazing review of Story and Times by MOKB’s Mary Leary.

She compares Seahag to Mick Ronson. I’ve done that.